Inspired Herbal Medicine
I will support you on your journey to health with holistic and personalised medicine. My aim is to help you adapt and re-calibrate, with herbal formulations that gently guide the body to recovery and self-regulation.
I am here to help you if you have symptoms of ill health, whether it is a chronic ailment, or something recent or recurrent. If you are already on medication, I will advise you about taking herbs alongside it, which is, in most cases, complementary to existing treatment.
I specialise in a personalised approach for the following:
Women’s Hormonal Health and Wellbeing
Skin conditions
Gastrointestinal Health and Digestion
Chronic conditions
Heart function and Circulation
Allergies and Infections
Chronic Fatigue, all types
Anxiety or Low Mood
Sleep Disorders
Metabolic conditions: chronic excess weight, metabolic syndrome, diabetes 2
Chronic weight gain and inability to maintain a healthy weight:
Hormonal imbalance is one of the main causes of unwanted chronic weight gain, not your lack of determination or adherence to guidelines. The main model of counting calories, or calorie-in, calorie-out, does not work for many and can further dysregulate you. Our relationship with food is misunderstood due to cycles of ‘diet failure’.
I do not believe in calorie suppression. Our bodies need real food. I can help you balance your hormones to put you on the path of sustainable hormonal weight loss. Ask me for details.
You do not necessarily need a diagnosis to seek my help; I will help you navigate your health issue whatever is your current state.
I work specifically and constitutionally to rebalance and restore.
If you wish to arrange a consultation, you can request my free pre-consultation chat (up to 20 min) before you book.
Please complete my Contact Form (click the link, it takes about two minutes to complete).
Women’s Hormonal Health and Wellbeing
The monthly hormonal cycle is central to the health and wellbeing of women. The menstrual cycle requires a monthly adaptation to the body and as such may not only involve the specific sex hormones but also cortisol, insulin and thyroid hormones. The role of the liver, the adrenals, the colon and the thyroid are paramount in regulation. Inflammation and circulatory issues may also play a significant part. I assess the potential effect of all these factors in the presentation of your symptoms.
Let’s have an exploratory discussion if you have any of the following:
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) experiencing water retention, breast tenderness, mood changes or cramps.
Problem periods ie amenorrhea (lack of periods), very heavy periods, or very frequent periods.
Peri-menopause or menopause experiencing hot flushes, sweats, fatigue, aches, insomnia, brain fog or anxiety.
Unexplained infertility, trying for a baby and experiencing unexpected difficulty conceiving.
Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PICOS) or fibroids, suffering with pain, acne, weight gain or excess bleeding.
Chronic urogenital infections, cystitis, thrush and pelvic pain problems.
Hormonal issues such as acne, migraines, hair loss, fatigue, fibromyalgia or anxiety.
However the problem presents, it is your hormones, my holistic and natural approach aims to help restore healthy function.
‘My bladder is definitely feeling better and I have not had any burning in my bladder, or UTI symptoms since starting the herbs! ‘
Client feedback by M.L.
Case report
My client had frequent periods (every three weeks) with very heavy flow; it was exhausting and unsustainable. Within approximately two months of herbal treatment periods became regular and lighter. Treatment then moved on to maintaining the client’s digestive function (used to be constipated and eating limited range of foods) and calming anxiety. Results were better nutritional habits and a calmer mind.
Skin conditions
I am very experienced with skin conditions and as a testament to my work, please go to Skin to view photographs of my clinical work: ‘Before’ (how client presented before treatment), and ‘After’ (after my herbal treatment).
As a large emunctory (clearing organ), skin is a mirror of the internal state therefore it can rarely be seen in isolation; my approach is holistic, aiming to address the undercurrent of systemic imbalances (hormonal, infectious or immune) which form the deeper core source of any skin condition. Contact me if you suffer from:
Acne, this can affect women and men at different stages of life
Viral, fungal or bacterial infections eg shingles
Psoriasis and other autoimmune conditions
Autoimmune disease can flare up under different stressors and triggers, the aim is to reduce the autoimmune response.
Case Report
My client experienced dry and irritated skin with liquid-filled vesicles, itchiness, dryness and peeling on the palms of the hands. After a month of herbal treatment the client is happily observing no new vesicles, disruption of the drying and peeling and no itchiness: skin is healing. After two months the skin is largely healed.
Gastrointestinal Health and Digestion
The digestive system is linked via a series of valves separating areas of different functionality, but is in essence a long and continuous tube. It includes in an integrated way the liver, gallbladder and pancreas and even interacts with the brain through the gut-brain axis. Weakness, strain and dysregulation in one part, can have a negative adaptation impact on another part. My treatment philosophy is to improve digestive function as a whole; my strategy is to address the specific problem taking into account the wider context of digestive function.
Please contact me to discuss herbal treatment if you have any of the following:
IBS Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome
IBD: Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis
Chronic constipation or looseness
‘Leaky gut’, bloating
Stomach ulcers
Fatty liver, chronic liver problems, cholesterol
Gallbladder disorders
Diverticular disease
Haemorrhoids (piles)
Metabolic: diabetes, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, fatigue
I offer a variety of gastrointestinal, microbiome and toxicity tests, available on request.
Case Report
My client came to see me with chronic cough and mucus in the throat. The problem was identified by me as mainly gastrointestinal in nature. Following a month’s treatment, client experienced great alleviation of symptoms and other parallel benefits such as better sleep. Carried on with herbal treatment over three months in order to optimise gastrointestinal function for the longer term.
Chronic Conditions
Chronic conditions are inflammatory in nature and often autoimmune. Reducing inflammation is key, as is recovering the body’s self-adaptation powers and resilience through better regulation of the hormonal terrain. Let me help you with:
Chronic fatigue - please see Chronic Fatigue in Highlights
Lyme and other chronic infections
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis
Insulin dysfunction, metabolic syndrome and diabetes type 2
Chronic lung conditions, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Asthma support
Underactive thyroid
Rheumatoid conditions
Prostatic inflammation, BPH and side effects
Heart function and circulation
Oxygenation of the body is a fundamental pre-requisite for all other outcomes; herbal medicine can help not only by directly supporting heart activity but also through global improvement in whole-body circulation.
Please contact me if you are interested in improving:
Heart and vascular function
Atherosclerosis risk, cholesterol problems
Blood pressure, high or low
Venous circulation, varicose veins
Allergies and Infections
Allergic conditions can cause acute and chronic symptoms and make functioning day-to-day difficult. Chronic or recurrent sinus congestion may be allergic or may be sustained by deeper imbalances. My herbal treatment aims to address any allergic response and systemic issues that cause chronicity and severity of sinus congestion, while also addressing local inflammation and constriction. A similar approach is taken for chronic or recurrent rhinitis, ENT and hayfever or airborne allergies.
Please contact me to find out how herbal treatment can help if you suffer from:
Sinusitis, sinus congestion, sinus pain, sinus headaches
Seasonal cold symptoms
Hayfever and airborne allergies (allergic rhinitis)
Non-allergic rhinitis, rhinosinusitis
ENT (ear nose and throat) recurrent infections or dysregulation e.g. tonsils, cough, catarrh, nasal drip
There are many types of persistent fatigue that does not resolve with rest: some are post-infectious such as post viral fatigue and long covid, while other types of fatigue are not primarily linked to an infection; however, these too can be persistent and serious.
My herbal treatment aims to improve immune resilience, nervous system adaptation and recovery of hormonal equilibrium via the hypothalamic-pituitary and adrenal axis. Please contact me if you need help with:
Post-infectious, post-viral fatigue or long-covid
Adrenal fatigue
Metabolic fatigue, linked to glucose imbalances whereby food does not provide feelings of energy
Post-natal depression
Brain fog’, memory or focus problems
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, is a very severe and sustained condition of organic multi-faceted dysfunction (see Highlights).
Case Report
My client developed chronic fatigue of unknown cause. She was unable to function day-to-day with symptoms of extreme tiredness; she was unable to get out of bed in the morning, she experienced slow thinking, memory problems and an extreme lack of stamina, being almost catatonic after dinner. She was mostly confined at home as slightest activity caused a ‘crash’.
Progress was made within weeks of starting herbal treatment and the client was able to progressively rise more easily, had better cognitive function and lasts longer in the day. She is now feeling well enough physically and mentally to take on a part-time job.
Anxiety or Low Mood
There are many organic avenues leading to increased anxiety or low mood:
Continuous pressure of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) through, for example, unresolving physical or emotional stress, can lead to depletion of adrenals and appropriate cortisol response. Depleted adrenal function can affect emotional coping states and this is often reported as anxiety.
The gut-brain axis can also play a large part in sustaining of low mood or anxiety states. Gut inflammation, an altered gut microbiome and ‘leaky gut’ can all be contributing factors.
Thyroid or glucose imbalances can also play an important role in the maintenance of anxiety or low mood.
These are all treatment targets that can improve chronic feelings of anxiety or low mood. Herbs can be synergists for global improvement in mental wellbeing through action on the hormonal axes and the gastrointestinal environment.
Sleep Disorders
Good sleep is a most significant pillar of health as a biological stage for deep repair and recovery. Any chronic or recurrent problem with sleep reflects a deeper imbalance; in turn, lack of sleep becomes in itself an aggravating factor by impacting negatively on general health, for example, on mood, energy and focus, weight control, immunity and blood pressure.
Sleep problems can persist even if you have a good sleep hygiene because they are physiological and systemic. Patterns of sleep disorders may look like any of the following:
Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty staying asleep or waking too early through vivid dreams, anxiety, intrusive thoughts
Disturbed sleep by frequent toilet visits
Bad quality of sleep, waking up unrefreshed
Herbal medicine can help rebalance the nervous system and calm the mind allowing the body to go through restorative sleep.