Inspired Herbal Medicine



Do you have unexplained fertility problems?  There may be many reasons why this is happening: 

  • hormonal imbalances

  • inappropriate nutrition

  • toxicities

  • immune reactions

  • pelvic inflammation

  • undiagnosed conditions

  • even anxiety or stress can affect the body’s fertility ability.  


How I work

The fertility prep includes a comprehensive review to identify areas that need improvement to prepare the body for conception. This stage usually involves some tests (please see my Tests section) depending on your individual needs, which then feed in to the next stage, a personalised plan for each client.

The aim is to get you to a healthier, stronger place and a more relaxed state of body and mind, both of which can be very helpful to conception.

If you are interested in this natural and individualised approach, please contact me to arrange for a personalised review.